Redeemer Lutheran Church, like the other congregations of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod is “confessional.” We hold to the Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as contained in The Book of Concord to be the correct interpretation and presentation of Biblical doctrine. The statements of belief contained in The Book of Concord were put into writing by Martin Luther and other church reformers during the 16th century.
WE BELIEVE the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, in their entirety, and in all their parts, are the inspired Word of God, given to make us wise unto salvation.
WE BELIEVE that God out of pure mercy redeemed mankind from sin through the life and death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Christ paid the penalty for the guilt of the world, thereby showing God’s extreme love and at the same time satisfying His justice.
WE BELIEVE in the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
WE BELIEVE that man was created in the beginning an intelligent and moral being, with body and soul. Man of his own free will fell into sin, thus separating himself from God.
WE BELIEVE that all mankind will be raised from the dead on the last day; the believers in Christ eternally in heaven, the unbelievers to be sentenced to eternal damnation.
God loves the world, even though they are sinful, rebel against Him and do not deserve His love. He sent Jesus, His Son, to love the unlovable and save the ungodly.
The Bible is God’s inerrant (without error) and infallible Word, in which He reveals His law and His Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ. It is the sole rule and norm for Christian doctrine.
By His suffering and death as the substitute for all people of all time, Jesus purchased and won forgiveness and eternal life for them. Those who hear this Good News and believe it have the eternal life that it offers. God creates faith in Christ and gives people forgiveness through Him.