We follow Martin Luther’s instructions, as found in the catechism, to prepare ourselves for communion. In the catechism, he asks, “How are we to examine ourselves before receiving the Sacrament?” Answer: We are to examine ourselves to see whether (A) we are sorry for our sins; (B) Believe that our Lord Jesus Christ IS truly present in the sacrament, “take drink, this is my blood [Luke 22:19-20] and (C) we examine ourselves, and plan, with the help of the Holy Spirit to change our sinful lives.
Luther also asks, “Who must not be given the Sacrament?” Answer: Those who are openly unrepentant, including those who take part in non-Christian religious worship; (B) Those who are unforgiving, refusing to be reconciled; and (C) Those of a different confession of faith, since the Lord’s Supper is a testimony of the unity of faith.
If you have questions on Holy Communion, please email the pastor at pt@richlandredeemer.org. He would love to explain our beliefs concerning communion.